Our Supporters

Our vision for Brynaman Lido is being supported by many people through volunteering and donations. 

We’ve been fortunate recently to receive awards from several organisations – their details and logos are below. If we’ve left you out or you want to support us please get in touch: brynamanlido@gmail.com

Iaith Gwaith

Iaith Gwaith provided funding for us to add a translation button to this website so that you can now view it in English or Welsh

Wales Co-operative Centre​

Wales Coop and Social Business Wales have supported us with great advice, training and funding opportunities to strengthen our governance and operating procedures

Community Action Fund

The Community Action Fund supported our community engagement work with mural workshops for local young people

Postcode Community Trust

We’ve received funding for the essential running costs that support our great committee. This work has been made possible by an award from Postcode Community Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

Iaith Gwaith

Iaith Gwaith provided funding for us to add a translation button to this website so that you can now view it in English or Welsh

Wales Co-operative Centre​

Wales Coop and Social Business Wales have supported us with great advice, training and funding opportunities to strengthen our governance and operating procedures

Community Action Fund

The Community Action Fund supported our community engagement work with mural workshops for local young people

Postcode Community Trust

We’ve received funding for the essential running costs that support our great committee. This work has been made possible by an award from Postcode Community Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.

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